Acerca de IOMC Toolbox
The IOMC Internet-based Toolbox for Decision Making in Chemicals Management (IOMC Toolbox) is aimed at countries who wish to address specific national issues regarding chemicals management.
The IOMC Toolbox is a problem solving tool that enables countries to identify the most appropriate and efficient national actions to address specific national problems related to chemicals management.
The toolbox identifies the available IOMC resources that will help the country address the identified national problem(s) or objectives. Special focus is given to identifying simple cost effective solutions to national chemicals management issues.
Esquema de gestion
Plan de gestión nacional de RETC
Un RETC es una base de datos o inventario de acceso público de sustancias químicas o contaminantes liberados en el aire, el agua y el suelo y transferidos fuera del sitio para su tratamiento. Reúne información sobre qué sustancias químicas se liberan, dónde, en qué cantidad y por quién.
Gestión de la salud pública de productos químicos
Se proporcionan herramientas e información organizadas por temas de mayor relevancia para la salud pública, la salud ambiental y los aspectos médicos de la evaluación y gestión de los riesgos químicos y los impactos de los productos químicos. Las herramientas también están organizadas por áreas de acción del programa de trabajo sobre productos químicos.
Regional training workshop – South American/CONSAVE Countries – Pesticides
Regional training workshop – South America/Andean Countries - Pesticides
Promotion event – European and Central Asian Countries – Pesticides
National / regional training workshop – Trinidad and Tobago – Pesticides
Promotion event: National training and capacity building activities to assist in the development of a framework for the lifecycle management of industrial chemicals - Sierra Leone
Regional training workshop – European and Central Asian Countries – Kazakhstan – Health and Chemicals
1st Webinar on PRTR with Indonesia
- What is a PRTR?
- Why PRTRs: Benefits of a PRTR
2d Webinar on PRTR with Indonesia
- PRTR initiation (continued) & PRTR operation (steps and activities related to running a PRTR)
o Preparing a legal instrument (initiation)
o Providing compliance assistance (initiation)
o Staffing/governance
o Data collection, compilation, and storage
o Data quality assurance
o Data dissemination and access
3d Webinar on PRTR with Indonesia
: PRTR long term success (expanding the benefits and activities of a PRTR and making future enhancements)
o Compliance assurance
o PRTR promotion
o Outreach
o Monitoring and improving the PRTR system
o Enhancing the PRTR system gradually
o Securing a budget (for initiation and maintenance)
National Workshop on PRTR - Indonesia
o PRTR definition and benefits
o Presentation of guidance and manuals available (UNITAR, OECD, UNEP, UNECE)
o In-depth review of some steps in PRTR design and operation (to be decided after the end of the webinars, according of the needs of participants)
o Experience and advice from countries that have already implemented a PRTR system (Japan, …)
o Proposed follow-up to the workshop
The new FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit: online services for pesticide registrars
Global webinar - Chemical safety in the World of Work: A Global View on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems
- State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Switzerland)
- Ministry of Human Resources (Malaysia)
Nigeria, National webinar - Strengthening health sector involvement in the sound management of chemicals
International cooperation on the sound management of chemicals and the IOMC Toolbox
Webinar for the Executive Programme on Integrated Chemicals Management & Seminar on the Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Safety and Security Management for Member States of the OPCW in the Africa Region – Topic: International cooperation on the sound management of chemicals and the IOMC Toolbox
•What is the IOMC?
•Role of the IOMC in SAICM
•IOMC Toolbox objectives
•IOMC toolbox project
Resource Efficient and Sustainable Chemistry - UNIDO
At the 5th European Round Table (approx. 800 participants, organized by the Austrian Government) UNIDO gave a presentation on “Resource Efficient and Sustainable Chemistry” and introduced the Green Chemistry and Chemical Leasing toolkits.
UNIDO Webinar: Chemical Leasing, a performance-based model for sustainable chemical management
This webinar is specially tailored to inform about Chemical Leasing key elements, implementation and cases, as well as to showcase the upcoming Global Chemical Leasing Award 2021 that will be held during the high level segment of the ICCM-5 in July 2021, at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany.
For further information about the agenda and the registration, please visit

Information session within UNIDO project Sustainable Industrial Zone (SIZ) Development in Peru
Information session within UNIDO project Sustainable Industrial Zone (SIZ) Development in Peru (GEF funded project) to introduce the concepts of the IAMC methodology and instructions for navigation within the IOMC Toolbox
1st Webinar for Morocco: General introduction on the IOMC Toolbox
Chemical Leasing Book Launch with introduction to the IOMC Toolbox
Global webinar - Environmental Risk Assessment Toolkit
The Environment, Health and Safety Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments to strengthen national chemicals management, while protecting human health and the environment.
In the framework of developing and harmonising methods for assessing risk to human health and the environment, including methodologies for hazard and exposure assessment, the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) Toolkit gives to interested countries and users access to practical tools on environmental risk assessment of chemicals. The Toolkit describes the general work flow of environmental risk assessment and provides examples as well. Links to relevant tools developed by OECD and member countries are also provided.
1. Introduction to the IOMC and redesigned Toolbox
2. Environmental Risk Assessment Toolkit (ERAT)
3. Examples on textile dye, pesticide and environmental quality standard setting
3. Q&A
Mr. Andrea Cararo - Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, UNITAR
Ms.Valerie Frison - Environment, Health and Safety Division, OECD
Mr. Koki TAKAKI - Environment, Health and Safety Division, OECD
Global webinar - IOMC Toolbox presentation and live demonstration
IOMC Toolbox for Decison-Making in Chemicals Management
Webinar Series
The webinar is part of a series organized by the different IOMC organizations and will provide participants with an overview of the updated online version of the Toolbox as well as a comprehensive presentation of the Industrial Chemicals Management scheme which provides guidance and support to strengthen the capabilities of countries in assessing risks associated with industrial chemicals throughout their lifecycle and managing them safely.
Visit the Toolbox:
19 January 2021 2:00-3:00pm CET
- Introduction to the IOMC Toolbox
- Industrial Chemicals Management Scheme in the IOMC Toolbox
- Case study Industrial Chemicals Management - Canada
- Q&A
Mr. Andrea Cararo - Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, UNITAR
Ms.Valerie Frison - Environment, Health and Safety Division, OECD
Mr. Jake Sanderson - Environment and Climate Change Canada, ECCC
Regional workshop of 8 day on industrial chemicals and IOMC Toolbox for selected trainees from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Vietnam
Chemical Leasing Award 2021
Chemical Leasing Award 2021 took place online with the introduction of the IOMC Toolbox. The event attracted 1400 participants
Strike Webinar “Help is here! Tools, training, and platforms to support the fight against illegal trade of waste and chemicals”
- Online
- Introduction of the IOMC Toolbox and presentation on Pollutant Release and Transfers Registers, in the scope of the Stronger Training and Increased Knowledge for better Enforcement against Waste and Mercury (Strike) Project
OECD Chemicals and Biotechnology Committee 50th anniversary ► PROMOTIONAL EVENT Recent Developments and updates in the IOMC Toolbox
Estimado miembro de nuestra red,
Nos gustaría invitarle al próximo evento promocional del IOMC Toolbox que tendrá lugar durante el 50º aniversario del OECD Chemicals and Biotechnology Committee, el próximo 10 de febrero de 2022 a las 14:30 CET.
Este evento representa una oportunidad para descubrir las últimas actualizaciones de los esquemas de gestión y las herramientas de las organizaciones participantes, así como para conocer la experiencia de cada país en el uso del IOMC toolbox y la descripción general de nuestras actividades pasadas y futuras. Le adjuntamos al mensaje la agenda del evento; por favor no dude en compartir esta invitación con los miembros de su equipo u otros profesionales que puedan estar interesados.
Para registrarse, haga clic aquí para acceder al formulario de inscripción. Compartiremos los detalles de conexión una vez completada la inscripción.
Asimismo, le informamos de que el evento dispondrá de interpretación simultánea al español.
Quedamos a su entera disposición para cualquier duda y esperamos verle pronto.
Session Keynote addresses: Jerome Stucki (Chief of Materials and Chemicals Management Division UNIDO)
Session updates of the IOMC Toolbox:
- Introductory video
- Presentation of the IOMC Toolbox – OECD
- Presentation of Road Map to strengthen the health sector role in the sound management of chemicals – WHO
- Presentation of toolkit and/or flagship tool – FAO
- Presentation of improved Occupational Safety and Health scheme - ILO
- Presentation of GuiDev set of guidance on chemicals control - UNEP
- Presentation of Green Chemistry Toolkit - UNIDO
Session Countries’ experience
- Dr Norohasina Rakotoarison presenting Madagascar’s experience
- Video of Samantha Kumarasena, Chief Executive Officer, National Cleaner Production Centre in Sri Lanka
- Video of Tjandra Setiadi, from the Indonesian Cleaner Production Centre (ICPC)
Session How to participate in the IOMC Toolbox activities? - IOMC Toolbox POs focal points
Q&A Session
Conclusion Session – WHO
FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit Training Workshop
This is a training for the national pesticide authorities to strengthen their technical capacities on pesticide evaluation and registrations. The IOMC Toolbox will be introduced as part of it.
Location: Harare, Zimbabwe and on-line
WHO webinar on Human Health Risk Assessment – Updated WHO Toolkit
ORGANIZER: World Health Organization, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health
TARGET AUDIENCE: Environmental health decision-makers and public health, environmental and
other professionals with a role in assessing and managing human health risks associated with chemical
Participants of the webinar will learn about the important role of human health risk assessment in
informing environmental health decision-making including regulatory action, responses to chemical
incidents and management of poisonings.
Participants will be introduced to the recently revised and published WHO human health risk
assessment toolkit: chemical hazards which provides users with the guidance to identify, acquire
and use the information needed to assess chemical hazards, exposures and the corresponding
health risks in their given health risk assessment contexts at local and/or national levels
Participants will hear about experiences from developing countries to undertake human health risk
assessment in low resource settings and the usefulness of the WHO human health risk assessment
toolkit: chemical hazards.
Participants will be introduced to the WHO Chemical Risk Assessment Network Community of Trainers
(CoT) which provides a forum to trainers and those who would like to become trainers to share
experiences in the teaching and training on human health risk assessment.
• Welcome
• Human health risk assessment and environmental health decision-making
• The updated WHO human health risk assessment toolkit
• Experiences from developing countries
• Training on human risk assessment