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Target Audience andStakeholder Roles and Responsibilities


The primary audience for this section of the Toolbox is government bodies seeking to establish or improve regulations and policies related to chemical accidents (recognising that enterprises have the primary responsibility for the safety of their hazardous installations).   

It also contains some insights for industry and communities to support their roles and responsibilities with respect to accident prevention, preparedness and response. 


All Stakeholders

o  Prioritise chemical risk reduction and accident prevention, as well as effective emergency preparedness and response, in order to protect health, the environment and priority

o  Communicate and cooperate with other stakeholders on all aspects of chemical accident prevention, preparedness and response

Government Authorities

o  Develop, enforce and continuously improve regulations, policies and practices

o  Provide leadership to motivate all stakeholders to fulfill their roles and responsibilities

o  Monitor the industry to help ensure that risks are properly addressed

o  Promote interagency coordination

o  Help ensure that there is effective communication and cooperation among stakeholders

o  Know the risks within your sphere of responsibility and plan appropriately (e.g., when the authority is the operator of facilities – such as water purification)

o  Mitigate the effects of accidents through appropriate preparedness and effective response measures

o  Establish appropriate and coherent land-use planning policies and arrangements

Industry: owners/operators of hazardous installations

o  Know the hazards and risks at installations where there are hazardous substances

o  Promote a “safety culture” that is known and accepted throughout the enterprise

o  Establish safety management systems and monitor/review their implementation

o  Utilise “inherently safer technology” principles in designing and operating hazardous installations

o  Be especially diligent in managing change

o  Prepare for any accidents that might occur

o  Assist others to carry out their respective roles and responsibilities

o  Seek continuous improvement

Industry:  workers at hazardous installations

o  Act in accordance with the enterprise’s safety culture, safety procedures and training

o  Make every effort to be informed and to provide information and feedback to management

o  Be proactive in helping to inform and educate your community


o  Be aware of the risks in your community and know what to do in the event of an accident

o  Participate in decision-making relating to hazardous installations

o  Cooperate with local authorities and industry in emergency planning and response